Published: 10/05/2022
By Pedder, Herne Hill Free Film Festival - 'Karen'
Pedder are proud sponsors of the Herne Hill Free Film Festival 2022.
Message from the sponsored: "The Herne Hill Free Film Festival volunteers were very pleased to be back screening free films after a 2 year COVID-19 break. All 5 films were packed to the brim with over 300 locals attending. £860.00 & 4 bags of food were generously donated by the audience for the local Norwood & Brixton Foodbank. A very big thanks to our Sponsor - The Pedder Group, our volunteers and venue owners who all helped made this year happen!"
#thepeddergroup #hhfff #hernhill #2022 #freefilms #localcommunity #estateagent #favouritefilm #volunteers #welldone #norwoodandbrixton #foodbank